The ultimate reality of the universe, which is ever-expanding and is still being discovered, is understood through its material and formal existence. Man, by nature, is ever interested in the study of matter, its properties, possible reactions to imposed processes, and eventually uses this knowledge to exploit the ‘resources’ for its own benefits. Our planet (and beyond) was formed by chance and not by design. Of course, this is true for those who believe in the big bang theory, by far the most credible scientific explanation of how the universe was created. And ever since its inception, till this fleeting moment, the physicality of the cosmos is changing. Innumerable forces are at play that impact these ‘outwardly’ shifts and mutations.
Soul, however, defines the essence of all matter. It is normally associated with the living energy but metaphorically could very well extend to the non-living too. This energy, unlike the physical manifestation, is believed to be eternal and immortal. Our thoughts, emotions, and psychological reactions to stimuli, all form our ‘inwardly’ being. This intangible energy is stored in the form of thoughts, both lived and imagined. And unlike the physical being, this energy can move in multiple dimensions. Scientific study is yet to discover even a fraction of how this aspect of our exitance operates.
Yet, both worlds are eternally interdependent. And at a macro level of understanding, the individual soul of all matter is made of the same reality, the cosmic energy, forming the singular ‘whole’. There is an entire world that exists ‘within’, and this is highly vulnerable to external forces. Every act of distress that is witnessed in the outside world leads to a fractured and wounded inside world. The corollary is equally true – what transpires within the intimacy of the inside world leads to all our actions and manifestations in the outside.
Are these to be experienced differently then? Or, is there seamlessness? How does one transition from the ‘out’ to the ‘in’? or is there even a distinction?
This exhibit intends to explore these ideas through contemporary art practices of early-career artists. Each practitioner in the group uniquely employs material and process. The formal concerns and motivations are uniquely their own, delinked from any hegemonic reference of its previous generation or schools of thought. While they are all rooted, the practices are liberated from the patronage of scholarship and highbrow western culture. The exhibition includes works created during the self-imposed isolation (owing to the COVID19 pandemic), adding a distinct layer to their interpretations.
Multi-disciplinary in nature and experiential in format, there will be two distinct areas, each focussing on the ‘aatmmann’ (the inward) and ‘brahmmann’ (the outward) respectively.
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