Building a story with art on your wall

The power of storytelling through clusters is something I only discovered recently!

Our walls tell a story about us. Art is a great way to personalize a space and add visual interest. However, when it comes to selecting artwork, we often opt for the obvious – a large wall, a single large artwork. While large works can make a statement, there is another approach that can be even more interesting

Creating clusters of smaller artworks is an interesting alternative. They allow you to tell a story, often two stories – one through the collection of works themselves and another through the person who puts the collection together. Displaying a varied body of works on one wall is also a great way to showcase different styles and techniques.

Arranging artwork in clusters has its own aesthetic benefits and offers greater flexibility. It brings a dynamic and visually captivating display, introducing variety and interest to a wall that would otherwise be dominated by a single artwork. Clusters can be arranged in various configurations, producing different effects and moods. Additionally, they contribute texture, depth, and dimension to a space, making it more engaging and immersive for viewers. By enticing people to approach and interact with the different pieces within the cluster, clusters foster a closer connection between viewers and the artwork.

A cluster created by Prima Kurein

Types of clusters

Clusters don’t have to follow any rules. For example, a cluster can include a varied mix of artwork – in terms of art styles, sizes, mediums, and techniques. While these need to be put together carefully, they are a great way to create a dynamic and diverse look. Consider creating an eclectic cluster that talks about your travels, what moves you, what connects with you, and so much more.


Clusters can also be planned for specific spaces based on a common theme or even a colour scheme. For example, a cluster of landscapes or abstract work, or a cluster of monochromatic work or analogues based on selected colours. Colour-based clusters can create a harmonious and visually striking display – a favourite among interior designers!

Artwork by Ariba Akhlaque
Cluster created with works of Santanu Dey

Clusters of works by the same artist can also be interesting as they give more insight into the artist’s style and expression. Together, they tell a more compelling story and provide a better understanding of the artist’s technique and practice. Single-artist clusters are a great way to increase impact and create a focal point in a room. One of our favourite!

Next time that you are considering adding artwork to your walls, we encourage you to consider the power of clustering and let your walls tell your story. By breaking away from the traditional approach of a single large artwork, you can create a dynamic, engaging and diverse display that adds texture, depth, and dimension to your space. Go for it!